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Koan: Cases

The Temple of the Greater Sunda Islands was immersed in their sacred task of inscribing ancient truths, beseeching aid from the Temple of the Iron Mines.

From afar, the Temple of the Iron Mines dispatched Borrow, a skilled disciple, who swiftly immersed in the sacred art of inscription upon arrival at the Temple of the Greater Sunda Islands.

Weeks passed, and amidst the diligent toil, a fellow disciple named Stream beheld the scriptures, perceiving a deviation from the revered path. Stream resolved to present the matter to a venerable elder.

Beneath the ancient tree’s shelter, Master Ping sat absorbed in meditation. As the rustle of approaching steps reached his ears, Stream arrived, bearing both the scriptures and Borrow, the visiting disciple.

“Master Ping, bearer of troubling tidings I am,” Stream began. “Disciple Borrow inscribes in the serpentine manner, known within the Temple of the Iron Mines. I voiced our devotion to the camel’s grace, but Borrow remains unyielding. I beseech your guidance.”

Master Ping, rising with a measured grace, wielded a staff that swiftly met Stream’s head. “Foolish musings on style waste precious breath! Retire, and let scriptures illuminate your path.”

As Stream humbly bowed and departed, the lingering ache of Master Ping’s admonishment palpable, Borrow stepped forth, offering words of praise. “Grateful am I to witness your wisdom… Ouch!” The staff met Borrow’s head with equal swiftness.

“Distractions of the mundane burden fellow disciples needlessly! Retire, and wield your quill with mindful consideration for those who shall read,” Master Ping commanded.

“But Master, the serpentine style possesses inherent superiority, akin to round rice bowls eclipsing square vessels… Ow!” Once more, the staff found its target, marking the day’s third encounter.

“What is the purpose of language?” the master inquired rhetorically, piercing Borrow’s eyes with unwavering gaze. “It serves as a bridge connecting souls. Amidst a kitchen adorned with square bowls, the round vessel holds as much worth as a fractured plank in a bridge.”

The disciple bowed deeply, inward illumination attained, and retired.


The ultimate goal of coding styles is to not get in the way so that we can convey meaning fast.

Consistency can reduce distractions and surprise, which helps with speed, and this is usually a bigger advantage than the advantages of snake case or camel case.

If you can’t be completely consistent, favour local consistency.

Other notes

This text was written with help from a generative AI.