Flash Fiction
So I discovered there’s this thing called flash fiction. I had heard about Hemingway’s Baby shoes, but not tweet stories like these.
It reminds me of programming, where it’s good to try to simplify as much as possible, and write only what helps achieving the main goal, and remove all other superfluous stuff. Of course this applies to many fields, like debates, or less is more.
Here are my attempts at writing some. Incidentally, the one I like the most is the shortest one:
So what is your name, my dear?
My name is John, mom.
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Hey, have you heard about cifanas?
What’s that?
A word I made up so that I have an excuse to talk with you.
I like cifanas, then.
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The social contract stipulates, we have to do smalltalk to show interest in each other.
I’ll comply. I wish there was another way.
Me too.
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I have imagined all possible futures I could have with you.
So much effort wasted. None of those will happen.